Govt. Polytechnic College Hamirpur require Lecturers - Dev Bhoomi Himachal

Govt. Polytechnic College Hamirpur require Lecturers

Govt. Polytechnic College Hamirpur require Lecturer in Mechanical Engg,Lecturer in Electrical Engg,Lecturer in Information Technology and Computer Assistant.

For Details either refer to Tribune newspaper(page no 13) dated 22nd August,2008 or contact on address below:

Govt. Polytechnic College Hamirpur Himachal Pradesh -177030
Email: Web Site :
Telefax : 01972-258509
Govt. Polytechnic College Hamirpur require Lecturers Govt. Polytechnic College Hamirpur  require Lecturers Reviewed by Admin on 11:02 AM Rating: 5

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