Recruitment of commerce and biology lecturers by HPSSSB Hamirpur - Dev Bhoomi Himachal

Recruitment of commerce and biology lecturers by HPSSSB Hamirpur

Subordinate selection board Hamirpur has invited applications to fill 107 posts of Biology lecturers(School cadre) and 125 posts of lecturer in commerce(School cadre). This is in continuation to the PGT posts advertised on 28.8.2009.

There is a change in number of posts and recruitment and promotion rules:

1)Acadamic qualification: Masters degree
2)Professional Qualification: B.Ed.(Not necessary for commerce post but will be required in
future recruitment)

Last date: 15th October, 2009

Candidates who have applied earlier against Vacancies of TGT,PGT adverstied by HPSSSB Hamirpur in August, 2008 need not apply again.

Application form: Post Offices, authorized Agents
For Details: Contact Himachal Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Board, Hamirpur-1777001,Himachal Pradesh. Ph No.-01972-221841
Recruitment of commerce and biology lecturers by HPSSSB Hamirpur Recruitment of commerce and biology lecturers by HPSSSB Hamirpur Reviewed by Admin on 7:45 PM Rating: 5


  1. I have done M.Com but don't have B.Ed. degree. Am I eligible to apply?

  2. Yes you are eligible.

  3. I have done M.Com. only.If i am eligible for PGT Commerce test Can u please confirm in which particular time me need to complete B.Ed from which university or institute it will be assumed valid by HPSSB-HAMIRPUR. Please also confirm in which particular period me will be compeleted B.Ed.? Please reply soon i am very much confused.

  4. Can u please confirm when we will to start & compelete our B.Ed. means before written PGT test or before personal interview or before appointment or after appointment by HPSSB-HAMIRPUR & in which period? If we are only M.Com qualified.

    Narender Sharma

  5. B.Ed. is not required till 3 years from the date B.Ed. was started for commerce graduates by Himachal Pradesh University. Apply for the post and start doing your B.Ed. You can check with Himachal Pradesh University, when did they start B.Ed. for commerce graduates. Probably it started from 2008 session.

  6. i have completed my and i have gone through PGT this month few days ago. it was my first test and i was confuse and not able to prepare well.if i am not selected then is there another test that i can apply for. please suggest me..


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