Gazetted posts advertised by HPPSC, Shimla - Dev Bhoomi Himachal

Gazetted posts advertised by HPPSC, Shimla

HIMACHAL PRADESH PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION(HPPSC) has invited Applications from the citizens of India for the following post(s) in different Departments of H.P. on the proforma given below by 05-11-2009. Last date for receipt of applications for the candidates residing in Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshdweep, Ladakah Division of J&K State , Sikkim,Assam , Tripura, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh, Bharmour & Pangi Sub Div. of Chamba Distt. , Dodrakwar Sub Division of Shimla Distt., Kinnaur and Lahaul & Spiti Districts of Himachal Pradesh , whose applications are received by post from these areas is 20-11-2009. Applications received after last date(s) will be rejected straightway. Detail of post(s) and eligibility conditions are given here under against such post(s):-

  1. Agriculture Development Officer (Seed) ,Class-I, Gazetted on Contract Basis.
  2. District Public Relations Officer/Information Officer,Class-I(Gazetted) .
  3. District Youth Services and Sports Officer, Class-I, Gazetted.
  4. Mining Officer, Class-II,Gazetted
  5. Professor Community Dentistry , Gazetted, Class-I
  6. Post:- Professor Orthodontics ,Gazetted, Class-I
  7. Lecturer Mechanical Engineering Class-I, Gazetted.
  8. Assistant Accounts Officer, Class-I, Gazetted.
  9. Assistant Engineer(Civil) Class-I, E 0 level.
  10. Assistant Engineer(Electrical) Class-I, E 0 level .
  11. Assistant Engineer(Environment)Class-I,E .0. level.
  12. Assistant Finance Officer Class-I, E 0 level.
  13. Assistant Officer (R&R)Class-I, E 0 level.
  14. post:-Assistant Distt. Attorney, Class-I, (Gazetted)
Below are details and application form:

Download detailed advertisement and application form from here.
Gazetted posts advertised by HPPSC, Shimla Gazetted posts advertised by HPPSC, Shimla Reviewed by Admin on 8:20 PM Rating: 5

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