Scientist's jobs at IHBT (CSIR), Palampur (Kangra), Himachal Pradesh - Dev Bhoomi Himachal

Scientist's jobs at IHBT (CSIR), Palampur (Kangra), Himachal Pradesh

Institute of Himalayan Bio-resource Technology (IHBT/CSIR),PALAMPUR has invited applications for the following posts of Scientists and Technician Group:

There is a corrigendum to above advertisement. Read that here before you apply.

Download application form IHBT website.

Whom to apply

The application forms duly filled in and completed in all respects along with recent Photograph affixed on the application form, application fee (if applicable), attested copies of educational certificates, mark sheets, caste certificate, experience certificate etc. should reach in the office of Administrative Officer, Institute of Himalayan Bio-resource Technology, Post "Box No.6, Palampur-176061 (H.P.) on or before 06.09.2010.
Scientist's jobs at IHBT (CSIR), Palampur (Kangra), Himachal Pradesh Scientist's jobs at IHBT (CSIR), Palampur (Kangra), Himachal Pradesh Reviewed by Admin on 7:29 PM Rating: 5

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